Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Smooth, Soothing and Soft Skin with Green juice

Smooth, Soothing and Soft Skin with Green juice 

Would you like to have a smooth soothing and soft skin, then green juice is one of the recipes you should consider having on regular occasion. There are lots of green fruits and vegetable that can be blended together to give a refreshing green juice, the following under-listed may serve as a guide:

1. Spinach- this is dark green leaves and it’s considered one of the healthiest foods because of its great benefits, especially for children, elder people and pregnant women. Spinach is highly recommended for treating cardiac affections, arterial hypertension, high blood sliminess, renal affections, cystitis, diabetes, gout, obesity eczemas and wounds.

    2.  Cucumber- cucumber contains a very high amount of Vitamin K which has been found to play a major role in promoting bone strength thus preventing osteoporosis. Cucumber peel is a good form of dietary fiber which helps to reduce constipation and protect against colon cancer.

3. Kale Leave- Kale is an amazing vegetable being recognized for its exceptional nutrient richness, health benefits, and delicious flavour. Kale’s health benefits are primarily linked to the high concentration and excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K and sulphur-containing phytonutrients. Carotenoids and flavonoids are the specific types of antioxidants associated with many of the anti-cancer health benefits. Kale is also rich in the eye-health promoting lutein and zeaxanthin compounds. Eating a diet rich in the powerful antioxidant vitamin K can reduce the overall risk of developing or dying from cancer, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

4.      Green lettuce- This is another great source of vitamin A, C and K and rich source of fiber which helps in eliminating toxins from our body. They contain a high source of folic acid and its very good for women of childbearing age. 

  5.Celery- celery contains powerful nutrients which help to lower blood pressure and prevent cancer. It is a good source of insoluble fiber and essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, calcium and potassium.

Many sweet fruits (such as grapes, banana, apples and oranges etc) and a touch of lemon may be included in your green juice for a more refreshing healthy taste.  Having green juice at least 3 times per week will not only keep you away from some illness/diseases but it will boost your skin health tremendously.

Thank You

Sources: Webmed; iHeart Veggie and Rawforbeauty.

Saturday, 8 February 2014


Dealing with Constipation!!!

Constipation as we all know affect everyone at one time or another in our lifetime, this does not exclude babies, toddler and even the older citizen. 
    According to medical practitioners constipation has been defined in different ways such as:

  •  The opening of the bowel in less than three (3) times per week.
  •  The need to strain before any bowel movement can take place on more than a quarter of occasions. 
  •  The passing of a hard or pellet-like stool on more than a quarter of occasions. 
  •  The inability to pass stool (poo) regularly as expected or inability to empty your bowel completely.

Constipation could be chronic (long-term) causing discomfort and may affect quality of life and it could be short-term, the severity varies with individual. Constipation affect twice the number of women than men, while older people are five(5) times more likely to have constipation than younger adults because of medication, lack of exercise, and diets.

Causes of Constipation
There are many things that predispose us to constipation, because the severity differs with everyone, so it’s hard to say the exact cause of constipation but the following often increase our chance of having constipation:
  •   When there is a change to Lifestyle and eating habit
  •    Side effects of certain medication, some iron and calcium supplements predispose us to constipation
  •   Anxiety and depression
  •  Inadequate consumption of fiber such as fruits and vegetables
  •  Pregnancy- According to NHS about 40% of pregnant women experience constipation during the first trimester of their pregnancy.
  •   Medical conditions such as colon or rectal cancer, diabetes also predispose to constipation
  • Poor diets

There is little or no complication to constipation when treated on time and promptly, but if it’s a long-term condition the following may be experienced:
  • Haemorrhoid (pile)- these are the swollen blood vessel around the anus and rectum which may result in itching, swelling, pain or bleeding around the anus
  •  Faecal impaction or faecal incontinence

Treating Constipation
There are few ways of treating constipation but we will be focusing on nutrition aspect today. Nutrition experts recommend about 25-30g of fiber consumption daily but most of us rarely follow this, gradual steps need to be taken when treating constipation. Studies have confirmed that consumption of the following food help in treating constipation:

Beans: I know there are lots of people that rarely consume beans because it makes them to fart, but trust me Beans provide twice the amount of fiber you can get from same quantity of some vegetables. Beans such as navy beans, kidney beans provide as much as 9.5g and 8.2g of fiber per half cup serving. We should try as much as we can to incorporate beans into our regular diet, apart from the fiber content; it is also a good source of protein.

         Whole-Grain Bread: They are good source of high dietary fiber, low fat and complex carbohydrate, to keep a distance from constipation whole-grain bread should be supplemented with other type of bread. I have tasted many seeded bread and I can testify they are more healthy than any other bread, be it in sandwich or as part of a meal

   Broccoli: This is another great source of fiber; broccoli is low in calorie with high nutrients contents. The best way of getting the most of vegetables such as broccoli is by steaming, broiling or baking them for few minutes so as to retain their nutrients.
 Nuts: Brazil nuts, peanuts and walnuts among other healthy nuts provide high fiber content and help in treating constipation,
 but caution must be taken when eating nuts because 
they are calorie-dense.
 Plums, Pears and Apple: The following fruits were selected because of their edible skin which is high in fiber, other fruits may also be included as you desire.
 Whole grain Cereal: Most of the cereal manufacturing company are doing tremendous work by increasing the fiber content of their products, even if you feel the fiber content of your cereal is not enough, you can add some dried fruits and nuts to your cereal to get the required fiber per day while also adding more flavour and nutrients to your breakfast.

   Popcorn: This is a low calorie snack which work well with constipation especially if the cause is lack of fiber, popcorn is a whole-grain.
    Healthy Dried Fruits: Dried Fruits such as dates, figs, prunes, apricots and raisins are great source of fiber that helps in treating constipation.

Much emphasis has been placed on fiber, because they are not digested by our digestive system like every other food that we consume and so they retain water as they pass through our gut which also aid in softening our stool and relieve constipation.

If you do not experience any significant changes to how you feel after few days please kindly contact your doctor for proper medical check-up.

Thank you

Source: NHS and Everyday Health

Thursday, 6 February 2014



Regular and daily consumption of potassium rich diet is said to help us fight fatigue and stress. Nutrition expert advised us to include them in our diet daily most especially some of us that are very active and for as many that are fasting. If you skip breakfast or you regularly exercise, including banana and beetroot in your next meal will help your muscle and maintain calcium level for healthy and strong bones.


Source: Authentic Self Wellness



We should try to include the following foods for healthy living....


Source: Farmacy